Rien de résiste à un acharnement de fourmi.*

Victor Hugo

*Nothing resists to an ant tenacity.

Travail de fourmi*: French expression used to qualify a huge work which requires a collegial involvement of people putting their skills, talents and expertise together.

*Ant work

We united a network of talented and reactive professionals whom allow us to realize ambitious and challenging projects, in a narrow timeframe, with a controlled quality of execution.

Every project is led by a dedicated team of experts and perfectly fitted to specifics constraints of the space to be created. The success of an architectural projects is built on that.

We are an architecture and design agency specialized in the global conception of retail point, hotels, bars and restaurants, the roll-out of brands and designed objects.

9 employees / contributors

20 clients

300 projects

Benoît d’Aram de Valada
Yesim Çatalkaya